This page is for updates made during the current calendar year. Previous years' updates are linked below.

6th February 2025
  1. Server PHP version updated, v8.3.2 —> 8.3.16
  2. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated
  3. Code that allows modules to be placed anywhere on the site updated
  4. Code for the use of Tabs and Accordions in articles updated
  5. Code that allows small items of text to be saved and placed elsewhere updated
  6. Database editing tool updated
  7. GeoIP system updated
  8. Admins’ site-cache cleaning tool updated
  9. Content templater updated
  10. Email cloaking system updated
  11. Code for using source-code in articles, etc, updated
31st January 2025
  1. Forms component updated, v4.4.8 —> 4.4.9; new feature, compatibility with Mailing List component and bug-fixes
28th January 2025
  1. Mailing List code updated, v10.0.0 —> 10.0.1; improvements and bug-fixes
27th January 2025
  1. Mailing List code updated, v9.11.1 —> 10.0.0; new features, improvements and bug-fixes
23rd January 2025
  1. Calendar code and one of its plugins updated; improvements and minor bug-fixes
14th January 2025
  1. Administrators’ cache-clearing tool updated; very minor bug-fix
13th January 2025
  1. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated
  2. Code that allows modules to be placed anywhere on the site updated
  3. Code for the use of Tabs and Accordions in articles updated
  4. Code that allows small items of text to be saved and placed elsewhere updated
  5. Database editing tool updated
  6. GEoIP system updated

Most of the updates are minor bug-fixes and for forward compatibility.

7th January 2025
  1. Captchaless form protection updated, v16.1 —> 17.0; code updated
7th January 2025
  1. Website core software updated, v5.2.2 —> 5.2.3; security updates, bug-fixes, improvements and some new features

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