This page is for updates made during the current calendar year. Previous years' updates are linked below.

6th September 2024
  1. Calendar code updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
4th September 2024
  1. Forms code updated (used for site forms and the Members' contact details project); bug-fixes
3rd September 2024
  1. Download component updated; bug-fixes and updates
31st August 2024
  1. Administrators’ suite of tools updated; bug-fix
29th August 2024
  1. Administrators’ suite of tools updated; new features and a few other changes
27th August 2024
  1. Core software update, v5.1.3 —> 5.1.4; bug-fixes applied
  2. Backup component updated; bug-fixes
26th August 2024
  1. Code for using tabs and accordions in articles updated; bug-fixes
  2. Content Templater updated; bug-fixes
  3. Admins’ cache-clearing tool updated; bug-fix and enhancements
22nd August 2024
  1. Mailing list code updated, v9.8.0 —> 9.8.1; bug-fixes and improvements
21st August 2024
  1. Server PHP version updated from 8.2.15 —> 8.3.2
20th August 2024
  1. Core software update, v5.1.2 —> 5.1.3; security updates, enhancements and bug-fixes
  2. Mailing list code updated, v9.7.2 —> 9.8.0; bug-fixes and enhancements
5th August 2024
  1. Forms code updated (used for site forms and the Members' contact details project); bug-fixes and enhancements
  2. Download component updated; bug-fixes and updates
20th July 2024
  1. Calendar code and 7 plugins updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
16th July 2024
  1. Mailing list code updated, v9.7.0 —> 9.7.2; bug-fixes and enhancements
12th July 2024
  1. Core software update, v5.1.1 --> 5.1.2; security and bug-fix update
  2. Forms code updated; used for site forms and the Members' contact details project
  3. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bug-fixes
  4. Content templater updated; bug fixes
9th July 2024
  1. Mailing list code updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
  2. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bug-fixes
  3. Code that allows modules to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bug-fixes
  4. Content templater updated; bug fixes
  5. Administrators’ database editing tool updated; bug-fixes
  6. System that logs Geo-IP information updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
  7. Email address cloaking system updated; bug-fixes
  8. Code for using tabs and accordions in articles updated; bug-fixes
  9. Code for using text in different articles updated; bug-fixes
  10. Administrators’ tool for clearing website caches updated; bug-fixes
6th July 2024
  1. Database version updated; v10.11.7 —> 10.11.8
25th June 2024
  1. Web-firewall updated; new attack defintitons, etc.
23rd June 2024
  1. Download component updated, v5.0.2 —> 5.0.4; updates to match future website core software features and code changes
11th June 2024
  1. Hit-counter code updates; bug-fixes
  2. Site backup component updated; bug fixes
  3. Administrators’ suite of tools updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
  4. Article comment system updated; bug-fix for compatibility with core code
4th June 2024
  1. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bugfixes
  2. Content templater updated; bug fixes
  3. Administrators’ database editing tool updated; bug-fixes
  4. System that logs Geo-IP information updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
  5. Email address cloaking system updated; bug-fixes
  6. Tool that allows source code to be used directly in content updated; bug-fixes
29th May 2024
  1. Core software updated, v5.1.0 —> 5.1.1; a few bug-fixes and enhancements
25th May 2024
  1. Calendar code updated; a couple of very minor bug-fixes
14th May 2024
  1. Backup software updated, v9.9.2 —> v9.9.3; enhancements and a couple of bug-fixes
30th April 2024
  1. Mailing list code updated, v9.5.1 —> 9.6.0; bug-fixes
  2. Administrators’ suite of tools updated, v7.5.2 —> 7.5.3; bug-fixes
  3. Article comments system updated; improved compatibility with data compliance code
20th April 2024
  1. Forms code (used for site forms and Members’ Contact Details project) updated, v4.3.3 —> v4.3.4; minor bug-fixes
18th April 2024
  1. Administrators’ suite of tools updated, v7.5.1 —> v7.5.2; .htaccess file code fix
17th April 2024
  1. Backup software updated, v9.9.0 —> v9.9.2; enhancements related to core software update, a couple of bug-fixes
  2. Administrators’ suite of tools updated, v7.5.0 —> v7.5.1; a couple of bug-fixes
16th April 2024
  1. Core software updated, v5.03 —> v5.1.0; enhancements, improvements and bug-fixes
  2. Administrators’ suite of tools updated; enhancements to use new core software features
10th April 2024
  1. Mailing List code updated —> v9.5.1; bug-fix
9th April 2024
  1. Mailing List code updated —> v9.5.0; enhancements and bug-fixes
  2. Forms code (used for site forms and Members’ Contact Details project) updated; improved compatibility with Mailing List code
5th April 2024
  1. Web-firewall updated; threat database updated, bug-fixes/enhancements and minor code changes ready for core software upgrade
3rd April 2024
  1. Download component updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
28th March 2024
  1. Administrators’ cache clearer/manager updated; code refactoring and enhancements
  2. Content templater updated; bug fixes
  3. Administrators’ database editing tool updated; enhancements
  4. System that logs Geo-IP information updated; bug-fixes
  5. Email address cloaking system updated; bug-fixes
21st March 2024
  1. Backup component updated, v9.8.5 —> 9.9.0; code changes and enhancements
19th March 2024
  1. Mailing List code updated; code updates for compatibility with core software and some bug-fixes
  2. Administrators' suite of tools updated; enhancements
7th March 2024
  1. Mailing List code updated; bug-fixes and improvements
  2. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bug-fixes
  3. Forms code updated; bug-fixes and enhancements
4th March 2024
  1. Content Templater updated
  2. GeoIP system updated
  3. Code that allows the use of source-code (html, php, etc) inside articles updated
  4. Code that allows the use of tabs and accordion inside articles and modules updated
  5. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated
  6. Code that allows modules to be placed anywhere on the site updated
1st March 2024
  1. Server database version upgraded; v10.11.6 —> 10.11.7
29th February 2024
  1. Mailing List software updated; v9.2.0 —> 9.3.0. Improvements and bug-fixes.
22nd February 2024
  1. Server PHP version updated; v8.2.9 —> 8.2.15
  2. Server database version upgraded; v10.6.15 —> 10.11.6
20th February 2024
  1. Core software update v5.0.2 —> 5.0.3; security and bug-fixes applied
  2. Content templater updated; minor bug-fixes
  3. GeoIP system updated; minor bug-fixes
18th February 2024
  1. Plugin that prevents and logs “brute force” login attempts updated; v1.5.1 —> v1.5.2 (just a few minor bug-fixes)
15th February 2024
  1. Plugin that prevents and logs “brute force” login attempts updated; v1.4.6 —> v1.5.1
5th February 2024
  1. Forms component updated. Used for site forms and for Members Contact Details and Preferences
  2. Calendar component and a raft of plugins, layouts etc; updated for compatibility with current core software

4th February 2024

  1. Visitor-counter code updated; minor code changes
29th January 2024
  1. Mailing List code update; subversion update, v9.1.0 to 9.2.0. Lots of enhancements, inc setting of a default template and statistics recording/handling
  2. Plugin prevents spambots from registering updated; v5.0.0 now compatible with core software version
26th January 2024
  1. Backup component updated, v9.8.4 --> 9.8.5; minor update. A couple of changed behaviours
  2. Plugin that allows login using email address updated; bug-fix related to applying updates
22nd January 2024
  1. Download component update; v5.0.0 --> 5.0.1; bug-fixes
21st January 2024
  1. Replacement "back to top of page" scroll-button code installed; compliant with latest core-software standards
20th January 2024
  1. Download component major version upgrade; v4.0.6 --> 5.0.0
16th January 2024
  1. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bug-fixes
  2. Code that allows the use of tabs and accordions in articles and modules updated; bug-fixes
15th January 2024
  1. Code that allows articles to be placed anywhere on the site updated; bug-fixes
  2. Content templates updated; bug-fixes
  3. Email cloaking system updated; bug-fixes
  4. Code for using text in multiple places updated; bug-fixes
10th January 2024
  1. Web-firewall updated
9th January 2024
  1. Core software update (v5.0.1 --> v5.0.2); bug-fixes
  2. Backup component updated; minor changes and updates
8th January 2024
  1. Administrators' suite of tools updated; enhancements and bug-fixes
  2. Forms component updated (used for Membership Records, etc); bug-fixes and styling enhancements
4th January 2024
  1. New site visitor counter installed; counts visitors and their country. Bots ignored in the counts 🤓
3rd January 2024
  1. Plugin to embed YouTube videos in articles, etc, updated; bug-fixes
  2. Administrators' suite of tools updated; enhancements and bug-fixes

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