Updated 25th April 2024
Church closed 21.04.2024. Bells no longer available for ringing.

On the 28th January the congregation and ringers received the devastating news that we, along with three other churches in the Ministry Area, were to close; the fourth Church was to be repurposed. This has now been confirmed by the Archdeacon of Margam, Reverend Canon Mark Preece, at a congregational meeting held on the 11th of February. The Church will be made redundant and closed on the 21st of April of this year.

The bells were installed in 1893 by Taylors. One of its Tower Captains was Albert J. Pitman who, as many ringers will know, composed numerous peal compositions which are still rung today all over the ringing world. It's a shame to see such to a fine ring silenced.

The next Llandaff Branch 8-Bell Practice will be held at Aberavon on 4th March and we hope to host the one on 8th April too as this could be the final one held at the tower.

Text: Len Jones
Photo: Kevin Musty

Aberavon, St Mary

One comment

  • Such sad news. I always enjoyed ringing at St Mary’s.

    All that history… I hope that things like peal boards, etc, can be removed/saved before the closure.