Updated 19th November 2022

The Association has a "200 Club" which is run both as a bit of fun for the membership and to raise funds for the Bell Restoration Fund.

Since its inception in 1994, the 200 Club has been a most valuable source of regular income. By the end of 2023, the 200 Club had raised a total of £27,750.00 for the BRF - an impressive and valuable contribution.

The 200 Club operates on very simple principles; there will be one draw per month and entry into the draw is £1. Half of the subscriptions are given to the BRF and the other half (less any small admin expenses) is returned in prizes.

Why a "200" Club? It is the aim that there will be a regular membership of around 200. At the end of 2019 200 Club membership was 164 - so, there's room for more to join! Even if you don't want to join as an individual, you could enter your home tower instead.

If you wish to join the 200 Club, either personally or as a corporate member, e.g as a tower, then please use the Standing Order Form using the link below.

If you have any questions about the 200 Club or would like to join then please contact the 200 Club Coordinator.

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