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Llandaff Branch Practice
Location : Newton Nottage
Saturday 23 October 2021 15:00 - 16:00
Contact : Hilary evans
Hits : 2149

We are very pleased to announce that there will be a Llandaff Branch practice on Saturday 23rd October at Newton Nottage from 3pm until 4pm.

St John the Baptist Newton Nottage is a ground floor ring of 8 bells within the body of the church and with good ventilation as the door will be open. We would encourage people to stand outside when not ringing, unless it is raining in which case an area of the church will be made available. Please remember to bring your face coverings as this is required by the Church in Wales.

There is also the opportunity to have lunch before in the Jolly Sailor public house close by together with a local walk starting at 2pm from outside the church.

12:45pm: Lunch: Table(s) booked at The Jolly Sailor for those who have confirmed attendance
2:00pm: Walk along the coastal path (will be back in time for ringing!)
3:00pm: Ringing at Newton Nottage

It will be lovely to see as many ringers as possible. Some people may feel apprehensive about ringing after such a long break but we will aim to have a safe and welcoming practice.

Please can you let the Hilary the Branch Secretary – or 07947002529 know in advance if you intend to come to the practice/lunch/walk so we know who to expect.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the practice.

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