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Llandaff Branch Picnic
Location : Nash Point, Marcross, CF61 1ZG
Saturday 24 July 2021 15:00 -
Contact : Hilary Evans
Hits : 2194

The date will be Saturday 24th July, starting at 3pm for the walk and 4.30pm for the picnic.

The venue will be Nash Point, Marcross, CF61 1ZG and we will try to arrange a "mates rate" on the parking (which is not expensive there anyway).

Our idea is for our usual "Bring & Share" ringers tea which have proved very popular in the past.

There are a couple of nice scenic footpath walks in the area of about 3 miles length - if the walking isn't for you, then you can just join for the picnic.

For this event, it will have to be a case of first come, first served as we still need to observe the permitted group size of 30 outside.  Hopefully, the next Government update on 19th July will see a relaxation on this, but for now, we need to follow the current 30 guidance.  So if you are interested, please contact Hilary, Llandaff Branch Secretary, to book your places(s) by email () or texting/ringing 07947002529

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