Meriel will be our Quizmaster. There will also be a raffle, and a draw for the Association 200 Club.
We will be having 12" pizzas delivered from a local Italian restaurant - last year these were amazing! Please organise yourselves into quiz teams of 6 before the event.
The cost will be £7 per person, including half a pizza, or £3 per person if you're not having pizza.
Please bring your own drinks, glasses, and nibbles.
Numbers are restricted, so make sure you get your entry in quickly.
To enter, please pay your entry fees to the Association Bank Account:
Account No: 45889872
Sort Code: 54-21-36
Reference: Quiz + your surname
Then email to confirm the number in your team, how many are having pizza, and any special dietary requirements.
Pizzas have to be ordered in advance, so entries will close on WEDNESDAY 9th NOVEMBER.